Если вы искали текст и слова песни “Not over yet” исполнительницы Алсу, на этой странице нашего сайта greednews.su вы сможете его найти.
I can tell from the look on your face, you’ve got something to say.
In my heart I already know, cos I heard you whisper her name.
I was the one who was keeping you warm in my arms is where you belong.
Day by day, I can’t help loving you what we started was something so strong.
It’s not over yet don’t tell me to forget you just can’t touch my life then turn and walk away.
It’s not over yet, some day we will regret if we don’t try again, how will we ever know.
Now we’ve come too far to let go together we’ve laughed and we’ve cried.
There’s temptation deep in your soul got to raise all those feeling you hide.
And I won’t beg you to stay it’s so easy to walk out the door
But I won’t let you throw it away cos I know you’re worth fighting for.
It’s not over yet don’t tell me to forget you just can’t touch my life then turn and walk away.
It’s not over yet, some day we will regret if we don’t try again, how will we ever know.
And I won’t beg you to stay it’s so easy to walk out the door
But I won’t let you throw it away cos I know you’re worth fighting for.
It’s not over yet don’t tell me to forget you just can’t touch my life then turn and walk away.
It’s not over yet, some day we will regret if we don’t try again, how will we ever know.
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Автор сайта Малов Евгений 1982 г.р.
Закончил КСК КБГУ и СГА Нальчик в 2004
Работал в газете Северный Кавказ визуальным редактором
Занимаюсь разработкой сайтов и пишу тексты
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